The Transcend Level 1 Award in Instructing is an Ofqual regulated vocational qualification. It is uniquely designed to be delivered to learners in the context of a technical pathway.
M2M Academy is proud to have achieved approval status to deliver the Transcend Level 1 Award in Instructing Fundamental Movement Activities pathway. The purpose of this pathway is to qualify learners to practice safely and inclusively as a physical activity instructor. Learners will develop knowledge and skills required to plan, instruct and review the impact of fundamental movement development activities.
We deliver this to young people and adults that wish to commence a career as a health, fitness, or sports coach. Parents, carers, and volunteers associated with health, leisure or sports clubs are also welcome.
Learners must be at least 14 years, English speaking and able to evidence engagement in physical activity.
Successful learners will be eligible to instruct under direct supervision of a qualified coach in a clinical, community or club environment.
M2M learners benefit from our expert workforce, top class facilities and practical skills workshop.
We develop our learner’s competence AND professional confidence!
Learners participate in a 1-hour orientation online.
This includes and introduction to:
M2M Academy
M2M Tutor
Qualification purpose
Learning and assessment programme
Learning and assessment activities
Learners participate in a series of personalised learning activities over a 4-week period in their own time which to develop their knowledge of:
FMS Instructor role
FMS Instructor environment
FMS Instructor techniques
Mentors provide weekly support.
Learners participate 1-day practical workshop.
Morning: Practical FMS instructor skill development
Afternoon: Practical FMS instructor skill assessment
Learners complete a portfolio of evidence. This required them to develop a profile of their participants, an activity plan, assessor observation of instruction with Q+A.
Learners will then complete a final self-assessment of their own ability to fulfil instructor duties, in a selected environment effectively. They will use this to create a personal development plan.
Successful learners will be eligible to GAIN and RETAIN paid or voluntary roles as an instructor in fundamental movement activities. Upon completion they are qualified to work under director supervision in a clinical, community or club environment.
Learners can also use this to commence a professional development pathway into a range of health, fitness or sports coaching roles.
M2M have an education and employability pathway for those who wish to deliver physical activity to enhance the holistic health for people with long term conditions. M2M offer this as the first in the progressive development pathway:
Transcend Level 1 Award in Instructing
Transcend Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing
Transcend Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
Transcend Level 4 Certificate in Physical Activity Programming for People with Long-Term Conditions
Transcend Level 5 Diploma in Physical Activity Rehabilitation for People with Long-Term Conditions